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Tip of the Week: Use raw cacao in recipes instead of cocoa. Raw cacao has 20-30x more antioxidants than green tea, is high in serotonin (the happy hormone!), high in omega 3 fatty acids and is one of the most magnesium rich foods. Try it in 5 ingredient chocolate pudding, Very Berry Dessert in a Hurry, and Healthy and Sweet Breakfast Pâté.

Fit for Life
Experiencing your best physical health is 80% what you eat. The other 20% is your physical activity. You CAN be active at any age. And right in your own home!
Yes, you can begin an exercise program today from the comfort of your home. I offer a free assessment consultation and 30 minute in-home personal exercise sessions that are manageable for any fitness level AND get results! Contact me if you need more info or just schedule your session below! And if you want encouragement read my blog post Fit at any Age!
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